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Test on mechanic properties of graded soil(PDF)


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Test on mechanic properties of graded soil
ZHANG Zhi-feng1HAO Fei2SHEN Jian-jun1FENG Zhong-xu1
1.Key Laboratory for Highway Construction Technology and Equipment of Ministry of Education,Chang’an University,Xi’an 710064,Shaanxi,China;2.School of Mechanical Engineering,Nanjing Institute of Technology,Nanjing 211167,Jiangsu,China
road engineering graded soil stressstrain relation dynamic triaxialdirectshear test dynamic stress
In order to determine the stressstrain relations and performance parameters of graded soil during the simulation analysis of vibration drum and soil model, the dynamic triaxial and directshear tests are performed on graded soil to analyze its strength parameters and the stressstrain relationship. The results indicate that the cohesive strength c and the internal frictional angle φ will increase with the increasing of dry density when the moisture content keeps constant, and the two strength parameters will decrease with the increasing of moisture content. The lg(c) and lg(φ) have a linear relation with dry density and water content of graded soil by regression analysis. The consolidation stress, dry density and water content have a great effect on the relationship with dynamic stress and dynamic strain of graded soil when the graded soil is applied to vibrating load. Especially, the dynamic stress has a linear relation with dynamic strain when the consolidation stress is low. 1 tab, 9 figs, 10 refs.


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Last Update: 2009-08-20