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Research progress on moisture transport and numerical simulation methods of cement-based materials(PDF)


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Research progress on moisture transport and numerical simulation methods of cement-based materials
HE Rui1 GUO Jian1 HU Yuan-yuan2 LI Rong2 FANG Jian-hong3
(1. School of Materials Science and Engineering, Chang'an University, Xi'an 710064, Shaanxi, China; 2. Yaobai Special Cement Technology R&D Co. Ltd, Xi'an 710100, Shaanxi, China; 3. Qinghai Research Institute of Transportation, Xining 810016, Qinghai, China)
road engineering cement-based material moisture transport numerical simulation research progress review
To accurately analyze the effect of moisture on the properties of cement-based materials, the research progress of moisture transport in cement-based materials from the aspects of the moisture transport mechanism of cement-based materials was systematically summarized, the effect of pore structure on moisture transport, and the method of characterization of moisture transport, and the development trend of the research on moisture transport in cement-based materials was given. The results show that the driving force of moisture transport in cement-based materials mainly comes from osmosis, diffusion, and capillarity. The connecting pores, as the channel of moisture transport in cement-based materials, it's critical porosity, pore distribution, and pore size, which will affect the rate of moisture transport. Although moisture transport in cement-based materials can be investigated using traditional experimentation methods and modern non-destructive testing methods, these require multiple manual measurements, which are time-consuming and subject to considerable inaccuracies. The numerical simulation methods are used to analyze the moisture transport in cement-based materials to obtain better results. In addition, most of the scholars ignore the influence of osmosis and diffusion and only take the capillary force as the driving force of moisture transport in cement-based materials, and most of the numerical simulation methods to analyze the moisture transport in cement-based materials are carried out at the molecular scale, the moisture is regarded as a one-dimensional transport. Therefore, the future development trend of moisture transport in cement-based materials is to systematically consider the three driving forces of moisture transport firstly. Secondly, it is preferable to adopt multi-dimensional numerical models for the study of moisture transport. And lastly, more advanced numerical simulation methods should be sought to analyze the moisture transport in cement-based materials.3 figs, 77 refs.


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Last Update: 2023-10-30