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Double matrix method for optimizing cable force of self-anchored suspension bridge(PDF)


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Double matrix method for optimizing cable force of self-anchored suspension bridge
HE Zhong-ying1 LONG Yi-ming1 WANG Gen-hui2
(1. School of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Henan University, Kaifeng 475004, Henan, China; 2. School of Civil Engineering, Lanzhou Jiaotong University, Lanzhou 730070, Gansu, China)
bridge engineering self-anchored suspension bridge cable force optimization double matrix method influence matrix non-linear effect
In order to determine the optimal cable force of a self-anchored suspension bridgeunder the target optimization state, aiming at the problems of the traditional influence matrixmethod for cable force optimization, which requires multiple iteration calculations and issensitive to the initial conditions, the double-matrix method was proposed to optimize cableforce. Firstly, considering the structural characteristics of the main girder with huge axialforce, the initial stiffness of the structure was determined according to the dead load, theinitial cable force and the internal force of the stiffening girder. After nonlinear finite elementcalculations, two influence matrices of the self-anchored suspension bridge were obtainedusing the superposition principle. Subsequently, based on the basic theory of the influencematrix, the matrix equation was deduced, and the relationship between internal force state anddisplacement state of the structure was established. The matrix equation was solved to obtainthe target cable force under the specified constraint conditions. Through a calculationexample, the main process of the double matrix method was explained, and the double matrixmethod was compared with the traditional influence matrix method to analyze the iterativeprocess and discuss the impact of initial cable force application. Finally, a three-spanself-anchored suspension bridge was taken as an example, the double matrix method was applied tooptimize the cable force. The results show that the maximum relative difference between thecalculation results of the double matrix method and the traditional influence matrix method inthe calculation example is 0.14%. The double matrix method directly establishes therelationship between cable internal force and displacement constraint through the matrixequation, and its essence is the linear relationship between structural internal force anddeformation. Therefore, no iterative calculation is required. The double matrix method doesnot need to limit the initial adjustment cable force and the method of applying cable force,which avoids the problem of inconvergence caused by the influence of initial cable force inthe traditional influence matrix method. In addition, according to different situations of cableforce optimization in practical applications, the displacement constraint conditions in thedouble matrix method can be extended to the main tower bending moment, main girderbending moment, section stress and other constraints, which is convenient for application inthe design of long-span suspension bridges.3 tabs, 6 figs, 28 refs.


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Last Update: 2023-10-10