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Construction time of secondary lining of large span loesstunnel under viscoelasticity condition(PDF)


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Construction time of secondary lining of large span loesstunnel under viscoelasticity condition
LUO Yanbin CHEN Jianxun
(School of Highway, Changan University, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, China)
tunnel engineering large span loess tunnel primary support secondary lining creep construction time
To study the best construction time of secondary lining for largespan loess tunnel,based on the Dunliang Tunnel in Shenfu (Shenmu to Fugu) Highway, the method of field test, numerical simulation and theoretical analysis was used. Firstly, the deformation laws of the tunnel vault settlement were obtained by onsite measurement. Then, the calculation method of optimal construction time based on the safety critical state of secondary lining was proposed. Secondly, according to the theoretical formula of surrounding rock mass deformation under viscoelastic condition, combining with the field monitoring data, the rheological parameters of Kelvin model were obtained. Finally, combined with the calculation method of optimal construction time and Kelvin rheological model proposed in this paper, the optimal construction time of secondary lining of largespan loess tunnel under viscoelastic condition was studied by numerical simulation. The results show that settlement of the vault experienced three deformation stages, rapid deformation stage, sustained deformation stage and slow deformation stage, and the settlement value of each stage was 67.7%, 21.7% and 10.6% of the maximum settlement value, respectively. The viscosity coefficients η of creep parameter viscous element in Kelvin constitutive model is 2.75×1014 kPa·s, the elastic modulus E1 of the spring element in parallel with the viscous element is 138.3 MPa, and the elastic modulus E2 of spring element in parallel with viscous element is 321.5 MPa. The best construction time of secondary lining in deep buried section of grade Ⅴ surrounding rock mass of largespan highway loess tunnel is when the vault settlement rate of primary support is less than 0.3 mm/d. 10 tabs, 12 figs, 27 refs.



Last Update: 2021-09-30