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Influence of rotary dryer parameters on aggregates temperaturerise in asphalt mixing plant(PDF)


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Influence of rotary dryer parameters on aggregates temperaturerise in asphalt mixing plant
ZHANG Chenguang1 JIAO Shengjie1 XIE Liyang1 ZHAI Zixiong2 GU Hairong1
(1. Key Laboratory of Road Construction Technology and Equipment of Ministry of Education, ChanganUniversity, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, China; 2. Fujian South Highway Machinery Co. Ltd.,Quanzhou 362021, Fujian, China)
mechanical engineering asphalt mixing plant rotary dryer parameter optimization coupled EDEMFLUENT simulation heat transfer model
To improve heat transfer efficiency of rotary dryer, based on the rotary dryer of LB4000 series asphalt mixing plant and the analysis of coupling effect of heat radiation, convection and contact transfer processes between flue fluid, solid aggregates and drum wall, onedimension axial heat transfer model was established for aggregates curtain area, the model was solved by the fourth order RungeKutta method to analyze the influence of the blade circumference and rotational speed of rotary dryer on aggregate temperature rise, based on the EDEMFLUENT. The results show that aggregates feed rate and heat transfer area of aggregates curtain are the main factors affecting the aggregates heating temperature,the characteristic of aggregates curtain has an important influence on the heat transfer efficiency of rotary dryer with an average increase of 1 m2 heat transfer area, the aggregates heating temperature is raised by about 1.3 ℃. The increase of blade circumference from 15 to 20 is beneficial to the increase the amount of aggregates curtain, the area of hear transfer, finale heating temperature of aggregates, and the smaller the aggregates feed rate, the higher the temperature rise increase rotational speed of rotary dryer can increase the amount of aggregates curtain, but also can shorten the residence time of them in the drum, and when the rotational speed is 0.8 rad·s-1, the heat transfer efficiency of aggregates curtain is matched perfectly with the residence time of aggregates, in the drum aggregates heating temperature is the highest, so that increasing or decreasing the rotational speed will both have an adverse effect on the aggregates temperature rise, while optimizing the rotary dryer parameters and improving the heat transfer efficiency, it should be avoided that heat transfer between aggregates curtain and gas is too full to cause the low exhaust gas temperature, which will lead to adverse effects on the following dustremoval system. 2 tabs, 8 figs, 26 refs.




Last Update: 2018-08-03