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Behavior of students’ travel mode choice based on family structure differences(PDF)


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Behavior of students’ travel mode choice based on family structure differences
Mayila AIZEZI LIN Qiang YAO Zhi-gang XI En-chong
1. School of Economics and Management, Chang’an University, Xi’an 710064, Shaanxi, China; 2. Xinjiang Academy of Transportation Sciences, Urumqi 830000, Xinjiang, China
traffic engineering travel mode choice MNL model student travel family structure
To study the influence of family structure differences on students travel mode choice, which contributes to a better understanding of students’ travel characteristics, and make proper transportation demand management policy for students, it’s useful to further optimize the travel environment and structure of students. This paper set primary and secondary school students travel mode choice behavior as the research object, established students travel mode choice model of different family structures based on multinomial logit (MNL) model, studied the influence of various factors on students’ travel mode choice under different family structure types, and made sensitivity analysis for three key controllable factors of students’ traffic demand management, including bus card holding ratio, companion ratio, family car ownership. The results show that students’ travel choice characteristics are different, and bus card holding ratio, companion ratio and family car ownership have significant influence on students’ travel mode choice for different family structure types. Encouraging students to apply for bus card can improve the proportion of all kinds of family students choosing travel by bus, and the improvement of single-parent family students behavior is better than that of students with two-parent family and elderly family. Encouraging students to travel independently can effectively reduce the proportion of students choosing car travel in various families. Controling the family car ownership can significantly improve the travel structure of students in different families. Implementation effect of the above two types of measures on students with two-parent family and elderly family are better than that of students with single-parent family. Due to the weak ability of independent travel of students with two-parent family and elderly family, therefore, students from two-parent family and elderly family are paid more attention in order to develop traffic demand management measures.



Last Update: 2017-12-18