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Relationship between highway traffic infrastructure and economic development based on two dimensions of time and space(PDF)


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Relationship between highway traffic infrastructure and economic development based on two dimensions of time and space
GUO Lin1 LIU Hao-zhi2 ZHOU Yu-ming2 MO Zhen-tao2
(1. Transport Planning and Research Institute Ministry of Transport, Beijing 100028, China; 2. School of Transportation Engineering, Changsha University of Science and Technology, Changsha 410014, Hunan, China)
traffic engineering highway traffic infrastructure regional economy cointegration model spatial econometric model spatial spillover effect
To reveal the relationship between highway traffic infrastructure investment and regional GDP growth from an inter-provincial perspective, based on the municipal panel data of 14 cities and prefectures in Hunan Province from 2004 to 2022, cointegration model and spatial econometric model were constructed, to analyze the cointegration relationship between regional highway traffic infrastructure investment and regional economic development, and the spatial spillover effect under various spatial weights in Hunan Province. Based on these two models, the influencing factors of coordinated economic development in Hunan Province was explored. The results show that based on the cointegration analysis of panel data, there is a long-term equilibrium and stable relationship between GDP and highway traffic infrastructure investment, and grade highway mileage and highway traffic infrastructure investment has no positive effect on the economic growth of the region. If the role of the spatial weight matrix is ignored, the contribution of traffic infrastructure investment to regional economic growth will be amplified. There is a significant spatial correlation in the GDP of the whole province, and the spatial correlation under the economic distance weight is the most prominent, but the excessive concentration of resources in the province has caused the phenomenon of weakening the spatial correlation of the city. Under the influence of the two weights of economic distance, spatial correlation is the most prominent. Under the two matrices of Wij_cont and Eij_eco, the overall effect of highway traffic infrastructure investment on economic growth is significantly positive, and the spatial spillover effect of grade highway mileage on economic growth is more significant than the new fixed assets of highway traffic. Under the two spatial weight matrices, the capital stock and labor level have a positive impact on economic development, and the proportion of the impact coefficient is large. The results of this study can provide a reference for the similar traffic characteristics in central and western China, and provide policy guidance for the government to reasonably determine the planning of highway traffic infrastructure.9 tabs, 2 figs, 28 refs.


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Last Update: 2024-07-10