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Polarization analysis of vibratory roller wheel frame(PDF)


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Polarization analysis of vibratory roller wheel frame
FENG Jian-sheng FENG Zhong-xu HU Bi-yang
Key Laboratory of Highway Construction Technique and Equipment of Ministry of Education, Chang’an University, Xi’an 710064, Shaanxi, China
mechanical engineering vibratory roller frame polarization dynamical model
In order to improve the compaction quality of pavement and the operating comfort of driver, an experiment was done aiming at the common phenomenon of polarization in domestic vibratory roller, and it was found that the main reasons for polarization of the roller’s frame were the large gaps of vibration intensity existing between driving side and vibrating side, and also among every test point value on every side. Based on the experiment, a dynamic model of the frame-shock absorber-vibration wheel-ground system was established through theoretical analysis. Analyzing the results of the model solution, this paper proposed the design principle of vibration wheel and frame for eliminating the polarization between frame and vibration wheel. The steel wheel gravity center, exciting force center, shock absorber force center and steel wheel centroid were required coincidence, and the coincident point and frame gravity center must be in the same vertical plane. According to the design principle of “five center coincidence”, the design of prototype was improved, and the improved prototype was tested in laboratory. The results show that the deviation of the mean value of vibration acceleration from the maximum value of driving side and vibration side is obviously decreased, and the vibration acceleration of different measuring points on driving side and vibration side is obviously reduced. The design principle of “five center coincidence” for vibration wheel and frame can effectively eliminate the prevailing polarization phenomenon. Vibration reduction of the whole machine has been improved. Every test point’s vibration acceleration has decreased more than half. The vibration acceleration deviation between driving side and vibrating side has also decreased more than half. This paper presents a better design principle and method for solving the problem of polarization of vibration wheel and the frame.



Last Update: 2016-10-06