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Time characteristics of drivers' stress perception in virtual urban road environment(PDF)


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Time characteristics of drivers' stress perception in virtual urban road environment
YANG Peng-fei FU Rui YU Peng-cheng
School of Automobile, Chang'an University, Xi'an 710064, Shaanxi, China
traffic engineering urban road stress perception time multiple linear regression
In order to analyze the impact factors of drivers' stress perception time in urban road environment, the platform for simulating driving based on virtual reality technology was established. Stress response test was carried out on 28 drivers in some scenes by using eye movement tracker, and driver's perception time for different dangerous scenes was obtained. The perception time characteristic were analyzed. The results show that the perception time of experienced drivers is less than other drivers, and the young and middle-age drivers perception time is shorter than other drivers; with the increase of vehicle speed, drivers stress perception time will increase correspondingly, and certain exponential function is found between the perception time and vehicle speed. Logarithm forecast model of drivers' stress perception time based on driving experience, drivers' ages, and vehicle speed has better accuracy. The total predicting accuracy of this model achieves 96.2%. 9 tabs, 8 figs, 8 refs.


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Last Update: 2013-04-20