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Model test on influence of anchorage failure to slope stability(PDF)


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Model test on influence of anchorage failure to slope stability
LUO Qiang LI Liang
School of Civil and Architectural Engineering, Central South University, Changsha 410075, Hunan, China
geotechnical engineering slope anchor instability mechanism anchorage failure model test
The failure processes of anchorage slope in two failure modes(the arc mode and broken line)under different loads were simulated through serials of laboratory experiments. Based on the experiment simulations, the characteristics of slope stability were analyzed under the condition of various types of rock and soil slopes when anchors are out of action. The characteristics of slope reinforced by group anchor were studied in terms of mechanics and deformation. The effect of failure of anchor cables on slope stability was studied. The analysis results show that the up-row anchor cables lose the stability prior to the down-row anchor cables, and the anchor force offered by the up-row anchor cables will be switched to other anchor cables. The failure of anchor cables at different locations of slope in the arc failure mode slightly affects the slope stability, while in the broken line failure mode the locations of invalid anchor cables play significant role in slope stability. 3 tabs, 9 figs, 9 refs.


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Last Update: 2011-02-28