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BLIP setting based on dynamic forced clearance and cooperative lane change strategy
裴玉龙李 馨
(东北林业大学 土木与交通学院,黑龙江 哈尔滨 150040)
PEI Yu-long LI Xin
(School of Civil Engineering and Transportation, Northeast Forestry University, Harbin 150040, Helongjiang, China)
交通工程 公交 间歇优先公交专用道 元胞自动机 仿真
traffic engineering bus bus lane with intermittent priority cellular automata simulation
为提高城市公共交通服务水平和道路利用率,在保障公交优先发展战略的同时,提升社会车辆对公交专用道的合理使用效率,促进交通资源的共享与高效利用,进一步优化城市交通运行体系,基于传统Nasch模型及改进的速度效益(velocity effect model,VE)模型,提出一种动态强制清空及协同换道策略下的间歇优先公交专用道(bus lane with intermittent priority,BLIP)模式。该模式通过引入动态强制清空策略及协同换道策略,考虑换道概率与鸣笛概率2个变量影响,建立三车道元胞自动机模型。该模型保证清空区域内的汽车能够驶离公交专用道,从而在公交优先通行的同时,有效降低社会车辆与公交车辆对道路资源的需求冲突。以车辆的平均速度、行程延误时间、公交车耗电量、乘客通行能力作为评价指标,以哈尔滨市新阳路为研究对象,通过实际调研采集交通数据,验证BLIP模式下的运行效果。研究结果表明:当车流量处于中等密度时,即达到最大通行能力的32%~69%时,公交车平均速度提升了12%~25%,延误时间下降了近50%,公交车耗电量降低了约28%,优化效果明显; 在中等车流量密度的交通环境下,BLIP模式展现出了优越的适用性和有效性,显著提升了交通效率,增强了道路通行能力。
To improve the service level of urban public transportation and road utilization, ensure the implementation of the bus priority development strategy, enhance the reasonable usage efficiency of social vehicles on bus lanes, promote the sharing and efficient utilization of transportation resources, and further optimize the urban traffic operation system, a bus lane with intermittent priority(BLIP)mode based on the traditional Nasch model and the improved velocity effect(VE)model was proposed, incorporating a dynamic forced clearing strategy and a cooperative lane-changing strategy. A dynamic forced clearing strategy and a cooperative lane-changing strategy were introduced, considering the effects of lane-changing probability and siren probability as two influencing variables, and a three-lane metric automaton model was established. The model ensured that vehicles in the clearing area could leave the bus lane, thus effectively reducing the conflict between the demand for road resources from social vehicles and buses while prioritizing bus passage. The average speed of vehicles, travel delay time, power consumption of buses, and passenger accessibility were used as evaluation indicators, Xin Yang Road in Harbin was taken as the study object to verify the operational effects of the BLIP model by collected traffic data through actual surveys. The results show that when traffic flow is at a medium density, reaching 32%-69% of maximum traffic capacity, the average speed of buses increases by 12%-25%, delay time decreases by nearly 50%, and the electricity consumption of buses reduce by about 28%, demonstrating significant optimization effects. Under medium traffic flow density conditions, the BLIP model exhibits superior applicability and effectiveness, significantly improving traffic efficiency and enhancing road capacity.4 tabs, 16 figs, 30 refs.


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基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(51638004); 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目(2572023CT21-02)
更新日期/Last Update: 2025-02-25