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Stress analysis of eccentric compression reinforced concrete component based on optimization algorithm and secondary development of ANSYS
高 琼1刘国坤2刘 琦3
(1. 湖南城市学院 土木工程学院,湖南 益阳 413000; 2. 湖南工程学院 建筑工程学院,湖南 湘潭 411104; 3. 山东省交通规划设计院集团有限公司,山东 济南 250101)
GAO Qiong1 LIU Guo-kun2 LIU Qi3
(1. School of Civil Engineering, Hunan City University, Yiyang 413000, Hunan, China; 2. School of Architectural Engineering, Hunan Institute of Engineering, Xiangtan 411104, Hunan, China; 3. Shandong Provincial Communications Planning and Design Institute Group Co. Ltd., Jinan 250101, Shandong, China)
桥梁工程 偏心受压构件 优化算法 ANSYS二次开发
bridge engineering eccentric compression comporment optimization algorithm secondary development of ANSYS
为精确计算各类型截面钢筋混凝土偏心受压构件的截面应力,提出一种基于优化算法的计算方法,该方法考虑受拉区混凝土退出工作后截面的应力重分布效应。首先,将中性轴方程参数作为优化变量,以受压区混凝土和全部钢筋提供的截面抵抗力矩与外荷载差作为目标函数,采用优化算法搜索目标函数最小时的中性轴位置,实现内外力平衡; 随后,根据所提出方法编制FORTRAN程序,以7个不同类型的截面为算例,验证提出方法和程序; 最后,将应力计算程序编译连接进有限元程序ANSYS UPFs提供的用户命令子程序中,进行二次开发,实现梁单元模拟的钢筋混凝土构件截面应力计算功能。研究结果表明:算例的外荷载与截面抵抗力矩的差值均较小,采用提出方法计算截面应力的精度较高; 编制程序可应用于任意截面的双向偏心受压构件应力重分布计算,通用性较强; 二次开发后的ANSYS程序可大幅提高在荷载步较多时的截面应力分析效率; 提出的优化数学模型建立思路,以及对ANSYS二次开发实现定制功能的方法可为解决同类工程问题提供参考。
In order to accurately calculate the sectional stress of reinforced concrete eccentric compression members with different sections, a methodology based on optimization algorithm was proposed, which can take into account the stress redistribution effect of the section after the concrete in the tension zone withdraw from work. Firstly, the parameters of the neutral axis equation were taken as optimization variables, and the difference between the resistance moment of the cross section provided by the concrete and all the steel bars in the compression zone and external load was taken as the objective function. Then, according to the proposed stress calculation methodology, a FORTRAN program was complied, and 7 different types of cross sections were taken as examples to verify the optimization methodology and the corresponding program. Finally, the stress calculation program was complied and connected into the user command subroutine provided by the finite element program ANSYS UPFs for secondary development to realize the section stress calculation function of beam element simulation of reinforced concrete members. The results show that the difference between the external load and the section resistance moment of the example is small, and the optimization algorithm can calculate the section stress with high precision. The program can be used to calculate the stress redistribution of the bidirectional eccentric compression member with arbitrary section, and has strong universality. After the secondary development, ANSYS program can greatly improve the efficiency of the sectional stress analysis with a large number of load steps. The method of establishing optimization mathematical model and realizing custom function in ANSYS secondary development can provide reference for solving similar engineering problems.2 tabs, 8 figs, 27 refs.


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基金项目:湖南省教育厅科学研究项目(2022B0792,2022B0737); 山东省交通规划设计院集团有限公司小、微项目(KJ-2022-SJY-X009); 长沙理工大学重点实验室开放基金项目(18kc02)
作者简介:高 琼(1989-),女,湖南永州人,讲师,工学博士,E-mail:GQ_CSU@qq.com。
更新日期/Last Update: 2025-02-25