 ZHU Wei-qing,ZHANG Ya-fei,ZHANG Li-hua,et al.Review on evolution law of service performance and durability evaluation indexes of concrete bridges in salt-frozen environment[J].Journal of Chang’an University (Natural Science Edition),2025,45(01):69-91.[doi:10.19721/j.cnki.1671-8879.2025.01.007]





Review on evolution law of service performance and durability evaluation indexes of concrete bridges in salt-frozen environment
(1. 长安大学 公路学院,陕西 西安 710064; 2. 大连理工大学 建设工程学院,辽宁 大连 116024)
ZHU Wei-qing1 ZHANG Ya-fei1 ZHANG Li-hua2 JIA Jin-qing2 YIN Tian-yang1
(1. School of Highway, Chang'an University, Xi'an 710064, Shaanxi, China; 2. Faculty of Infrastructure Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024, Liaoning, China)
桥梁工程 服役性能 综述 混凝土桥梁 耐久性 评价指标 盐冻环境
bridge engineering service performance review concrete bridge durability evaluation index salt-frozen environment
为揭示盐冻环境下混凝土桥梁服役性能演变规律,对在役混凝土桥梁的耐久性设计与科学维养提供决策依据,总结盐冻环境下混凝土桥梁的典型病害和空间分布,分析盐冻环境下混凝土和钢筋材料、混凝土构件性能劣化规律与机理,并提炼出影响因子及影响规律,凝练出盐冻环境下混凝土桥梁服役状况演变的材料-构件-结构的关联特性,系统梳理规范中混凝土桥梁耐久性评价指标及其检测方法,在此基础上建立盐冻环境下混凝土桥梁的耐久性评价指标体系,并建议各指标的警戒阈值和极限阈值。研究结果表明:盐冻环境下混凝土桥梁典型病害为梁体和桥墩的混凝土剥落及钢筋锈蚀,且表现出显著的空间分布特征,北方寒冷和严寒地区,尤其是沿海与盐渍土地区混凝土桥梁的盐冻病害更加严重; 盐冻环境下材料性能演变可以大致分为初始阶段、发展阶段与加速阶段,各阶段中混凝土构件的承载能力退化由混凝土与钢筋力学性能以及二者之间黏结性能下降共同导致; 影响材料、构件性能劣化的因子可归结为水胶比、掺和料、外加剂、保护层厚度、钢筋种类、持载状态与初始裂缝等方面; 混凝土桥梁的性能劣化主要表现为其关键混凝土构件的性能劣化,但其服役状况演变通过应力或受力状态在材料、构件、结构3个层面存在显著关联; 规范中的耐久性指标可划分为材料属性、混凝土损伤、氯离子侵蚀、钢筋锈蚀4类; 建立的耐久性评价指标体系充分考虑了指标的使用频率与可检测性,且可全面体现盐冻环境下混凝土桥梁典型病害特征; 未来应进一步开展疲劳荷载和盐冻循环耦合作用下混凝土构件性能演变方面的研究,基于大数据和机器学习技术,建立理论和数据双驱动的盐冻环境下混凝土桥梁服役状态演变模型,并结合更深入的理论研究及先进技术,提出综合性评价指标和更精确、更效率的检测方法。
In order to reveal the evolution law of the service performance of concrete bridges in salt-frozen environment and provide decision-making basis for the durability design and scientific maintenance of in-service concrete bridges, the typical diseases and spatial distribution of concrete bridges in salt-frozen environment were summarized. The deterioration law and mechanism of the performance of concrete and steel bar and concrete members in salt-frozen environment were analyzed, and the influencing factors and laws were extracted. The correlation characteristics of material-member-structure of the service condition evolution of concrete bridges in salt-frozen environment were extracted. The durability evaluation indexes and detection methods of concrete bridges in the specification were systematically sorted out. On this basis, the durability evaluation index system of concrete bridges in salt-frozen environment was established. The warning thresholds and limit thresholds of various detection indexes were proposed. The results show that the typical diseases of concrete bridges in salt-frozen environment are concrete spalling and steel corrosionof beams and piers, and show significant spatial distribution characteristics. The salt-frozen diseases of concrete bridges are more serious in northern cold and severe cold regions, especially in coastal and saline soil areas. The performance evolution of materials in salt-frozen environment can be roughly divided into initial stage, development stage and acceleration stage. The degradation of bearing capacity of concrete members in each stage is caused by the mechanical properties of concrete and steel bars, as well as the decrease of bonding performance between them. The factors affecting the performance degradation of materials and concrete members can be attributed to water-binder ratio, additive material, air entraining agent, protective layer thickness, steel bar type, loading state and initial cracks. The performance degradation of a concrete bridge is mainly manifested in the performance degradation of its key concrete members, but the evolution of its service status is significantly related to the three levels of material, component and structure through stress or stress state. The durability indexes in the specification can be divided into four categories, material properties, concrete damage, chloride ion erosion and steel corrosion. The established durability evaluation index system fully considers the use frequency and detectability of the index, and can fully reflect the typical disease characteristics of concrete bridges under salt-frozen environment. In the future, the research on the performance evolution of concrete members under the coupling of fatigue load and salt freezing cycle should be further carried out. At the same time, based on big data and machine learning technology, a theoretical and data-driven service state evolution model of concrete bridges in salt frozen environment should be established. Furthermore, combined with more in-depth theoretical research and advanced technology, a comprehensive evaluation index and a more accurate and efficient detection method should be proposed.12 tabs, 12 figs, 86 refs.


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基金项目:国家重点研发计划项目(2021YFB2601000); 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目(300102214916)
更新日期/Last Update: 2025-02-25