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Research progress on performance and test methods of concrete anticorrosive coating
(河北工业大学 土木与交通学院,天津 300401)
WANG Qing-zhou ZHAO Hong-bin SHANG Rui-peng XIAO Cheng-zhi MA Shi-bin
(School of Civil and Transportation Engineering, Hebei University of Technology, Tianjin 300401, China)
道路工程 混凝土 防腐涂层 综述 氯盐腐蚀 耐久性评价
road engineering concrete anti-erosion coating review chloride erosion durability evaluation
为改善混凝土在氯盐腐蚀环境下的耐久性,从涂层防腐机理、分类、耐久性评价以及涂层体系选用和施工技术等方面系统总结混凝土防腐涂层的研究进展,并对涂层材料开发、试验方法统一构建等方面的发展趋势进行展望。研究结果表明:涂层通过表面成膜封缝、孔隙内部封闭、渗透疏水等功能实现裂缝封闭、阻断氯离子水溶液进入混凝土内部,形成了3类功能不同的涂层材料,明确了各类涂层适用的应用场景,应综合考虑涂层所处环境的干湿条件、腐蚀程度、应用部位等因素选用涂层类型; 涂层的耐久性对混凝土防腐性能起关键作用,但交通运输行业相关规范中对3类涂层耐久性的评价指标及技术要求不统一且差异较大,限制了涂层优选和品种更新,考虑特殊的应用场景,推荐增加耐冲刷磨蚀性指标作为耐久性的评价指标以建立更加完善的评价体系; 正确选用涂层体系和优良的施工技术是发挥涂层防腐效果的有效保障,交通行业对表面成膜型涂层给出了推荐的涂层体系,有效促进了涂层技术的发展,但缺少对工程应用中各类涂层施工工艺、应用效果以及长期使用性能的评估和监测,不利于经验借鉴和技术提升; 未来,应建立涂层环保方面的评价指标并开发功能性改性涂层材料; 形成适用于多行业的技术规范以及统一涂层混凝土抗腐蚀性能评价方法和指标,以期为相关领域的发展提供指导和支持。
Aims to enhance the durability of concrete in environments susceptible to chlorideerosion, the research progress of concrete anticorrosive coatings, including the systematicsummarization of coating protection mechanisms, classification, durability evaluation, andselection as well as application techniques of coating systems were systematically summarized.The development trends of coating material development, standardization of testing methods, andother aspects were also anticipated. The results show that coatings achieve cracksealing by forming a film on the surface, sealing internal pores, and imparting hydrophobicproperties to prevent the ingress of chloride ion solutions into concrete. Different types of coatingsare categorized based on their distinct functionalities, specifying suitable application scenarios foreach type. The selection of coating types should consider factors such as humidity, degree oferosion, and site of application. The durability of coatings plays a pivotal role in the anti-corrosiveperformance of concrete. However, existing standards in the transportation industry for evaluatingthe durability of these coatings are inconsistent and vary widely among the three categories, whichlimits optimal selection and variety updates of coatings. Considering special application scenarios,it is recommended that include resistance to abrasion and erosion as additional durability evaluationcriteria to establish a more comprehensive assessment system. The proper selection of coatingsystems and superior application techniques are crucial for effective erosion protection. Thetransportation industry has recommended specific coating systems for surface-filming coatings,which have facilitated the development of coating technology. However, there is a lack ofassessment and monitoring of construction techniques, application effects, and long-termperformance in engineering applications, which limits the transfer of experience and technologicaladvancement. Future directions should focus on establishing environmental assessment criteria forcoatings and developing functionally modified coating materials. Additionally, creating technicalstandards applicable across industries and unified methods for evaluating the erosion resistance ofcoated concrete is essential to guide and support the development in related fields.5 tabs, 2 figs, 67 refs.


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